The Author Interview
10:53 PM Tuesday, August 2, 2011The Author Interview... *yawn*

- Which one of your characters would you most want to be?
- If you could go back and change anything about your story, what would it be?
- Which one of your characters would you want to have a... um...physical relationship with?
- Which one of your characters would you want to have an emotional relationship with?
- What is your "drug" of choice while writing? Or, what "drug" were you coming off of when writing this book?
- What is your writing to Twitter-goofing-off ratio? (in hours, minutes...)
- Are there any parts of your childhood secretly written into your story? Which ones?
- What is the biggest unknown, or most embarrassing fact about this book?
- Which one of your family members suffers the most while you write?
- Have you ever based a character off someone in real life that you hope they never find out about?
- What is the one question you've always wanted to be asked, but no one ever has? What is the answer to that question?
- What was your favorite day dream/fantasy that ended up being written in your story?
These are just a few. I'm sure I'll come up with more in time.
If your an author (fiction, nonfiction, books, short stories, whatever...) feel free to answer these questions and I'll give you your own post.
1.Which one of your characters would you most want to be?
A) I think I'm already part of each, even the young woman from the Italian Renaissance. I am more like the geeky dad from my first novel though. I get lost in my work easily.
2.If you could go back and change anything about your story, what would it be?
A)I would put back the text an agent asked me to edit out. That was the worst advice and I should have ignored her. There are holes in that text, and in my heart when I read it.
3.Which one of your characters would you want to have a... um...physical relationship with?
A) My ghost. It wouldn't be cheating...would it? I can't really be sure.
4.Which one of your characters would you want to have an emotional relationship with?
A)That has unavoidably been done. I can't write characters I don't 'feel'. When I write they cry, I cry.
5.What is your "drug" of choice while writing? Or, what "drug" were you coming off of when writing this book?
A) Music and silence—in equal parts. I cannot listen to music with lyric, and write. I'm not able to tune out voices, so it's instrumental or nothing. I also eat gummy bears by the pound when I write.
6.What is your writing to Twitter-goofing-off ratio? (in hours, minutes...)
A) I actually read more than I write, now. My fifth novel is on strike. I read submissions to JournalStone Publishing. However, I spend a minimum of three hours daily on my internet connections.
7.Are there any parts of your childhood secretly written into your story? Which ones?
A) Yes. A very troubling two or three years, which had a strong impact on me emotionally. I wrote a scene in one of my books, which parallels that period in my life.
8.What is the biggest unknown, or most embarrassing fact about this book?
A) The identity of the person who troubled me most, and which character was written from that inspiration.
9.Which one of your family members suffers the most while you write?
A) My wife, and our two boys. They have threatened to have me stuffed and placed on the porch with a cardboard cutout laptop.
10.Have you ever based a character off someone in real life that you hope they never find out about?
A)Answered that with number eight.
11.What is the one question you've always wanted to be asked, but no one ever has? What is the answer to that question?
A)If I'm old as I pretend to be.
AA)No. I'm not.
12.What was your favorite day dream/fantasy that ended up being written in your story?
A)My whole first novel was a bit of living through my characters. I'm not truly smart enough to be a Solar scientist, but I'm so envious of the work. So, I created a character who was just as smart as I wished I could be. It cost me a lot of research. :)
Now...I have a question for you.
What is your novel, and, can I read it?
Joel Blaine Kirkpatrick January 20, 2012 at 12:12 AM